Truck Accident Causes Part 1: Why Do Debris Crashes Happen?

Why do truck debris accidents happen?Truck crashes caused by unsecured loads and debris are among the most horrific. You may hear about these cases on the evening news every now and then, or shared on Facebook. Pieces of debris from loose loads or poorly maintained semi-trucks become airborne missiles that hit other vehicles – or worse – other motorists.There are several reasons why these crashes happen, such as improper maintenance, unsecured loads or unsafe driving.

  • Improper maintenance: Mechanical parts can fall from semi-trucks when commercial carriers neglect maintenance. These large vehicles are made up of thousands of parts, many of which are made from solid metal or other hard materials. In recent years, motorists driving behind semi-trucks have been killed by tank caps, transmission parts and driver shafts coming loose. Fatalities may have been avoided if commercial carriers had performed proper maintenance.
  • Improper load: Improper loads are another major cause of truck accidents involving debris. Truckers may fail to tie down loads properly. Other cases involve trucks that are overloaded or improperly covered. There are many cases involving rocks coming loose from trucks and cracking the windshields of motorists. In the worst-case scenarios, rocks or other objects weighing many pounds (sometimes several thousand) fall from trucks and fly into lanes of traffic.
  • Unsafe driving: Speeding or taking sharp turns may contribute to loads coming loose and hitting other drivers. Unsafe driving may also knock poorly secured mechanical parts loose from trucks.

The chance of being hit by loads or other debris is a good reason why you should avoid driving directly behind semi-trucks. It is impossible to know which commercial carriers and truckers are not following regulations that can prevent debris coming loose. Drivers who are not hit by debris may try to swerve out of the way, losing control and hitting other vehicles. They may also exit the road and slam into other objects.

Why Should You Consider Hiring an Attorney After a Debris Crash?

Attorneys can perform many tasks that you may be unable to, or that would impose significant difficulty following an accident. The most important role where an attorney can help is determining fault for the crash.Truck accident attorneys can acquire documents that may show the commercial carrier or driver that caused your injuries did not perform maintenance or violated other regulations. They are also familiar with the laws that regulate the trucking industry, such as the maximum truck weight or other aspects that may influence a driver or commercial carrier’s liability.Regulations are supposed to prevent crashes caused by loose debris. The Texas truck accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC, will hold commercial carriers and truckers accountable for negligence.


Truck Accident Causes Part 2: Why Do Jackknifing Accidents Happen?


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