When Is a Truck Company Responsible for an 18 Wheeler Accident?

When are trucking companies liable for an accident?Large commercial trucks are much more likely than other vehicles to cause catastrophic injuries and deaths. These massive commercial vehicles can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when they are fully loaded. For this reason, truck companies and commercial drivers are required to be compliant with state and federal regulations that help prevent truck accidents. Unfortunately, some truck companies may ignore these regulations. In some instances, these companies have negligent business practices that may cause truck accidents. Examples of trucking company negligence that could cause an 18 wheeler accident include:

  • Negligent hiring: Trucking companies may hire drivers who are unfit to operate commercial vehicles. For instance, if a trucking company were to knowingly hire a driver with an extensive history of safety violations, it could be considered an example of negligent hiring. Another example could be if a trucking company were to hire a driver who is medically unqualified to operate a commercial vehicle. Trucking companies must perform extensive background checks on commercial drivers before extending offers of employment.
  • Negligent retention: A trucking company could be liable for an accident if it continued employing a driver who is unfit to operate a commercial vehicle. Trucking companies must conduct annual reviews for drivers.
  • Hours of service violations: Federal regulations require trucking companies to ensure that their drivers are in compliance with hours of service regulations. These are “cut-off times” where it is no longer permissible to operate a property-carrying commercial vehicle. However, trucking companies may allow their drivers to commit hours of service violations. As a result, their employees may cause fatigued driving accidents.
  • Poor maintenance practices: Commercial vehicles can break down and cause accidents when trucking companies fail to perform regular maintenance. For example, pieces of a semi-truck, such as the driver’s shaft, could come loose and hit other vehicles. If brakes were not maintained or replaced, then a semi-truck may be unable to stop in time to avoid a collision.
  • Unsafe loading practices: Cargo must be loaded into a commercial truck correctly. If cargo is not properly tied down, then it can shift and cause a rollover crash. In addition, a rollover crash could also occur if the weight of cargo is not evenly distributed throughout the trailer.
  • Failure to follow regulations: There are numerous other Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) statistics that trucking companies are required to follow. A trucking company could also be liable when a violation causes an accident.

Do I Need an Attorney After an 18 Wheeler Accident?

Our blog today does not cover an exhaustive list of instances where a trucking company could be liable for an accident. If you or a loved one were harmed during a crash with a commercial truck, then it is important to discuss your situation with an experienced Texas truck accident lawyer.At Mike Love & Associates, LLC, our attorneys provide free consultations that could help determine whether a trucking company is responsible for your accident. Texas truck accident attorney Mike Love is the former owner of a truck company. Other law firms throughout Texas have sought Mike Love’s assistance on truck accident lawsuits.


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