When Can You File a Truck Accident Lawsuit Against a Trucking Company?

When are trucking companies liable for an accident?Commercial truck companies must follow strict guidelines set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). As attorneys with years of experience handling truck accident cases, we can tell you that these regulations are not always followed by trucking companies. In some cases, companies are more concerned with making profits than ensuring public safety. Trucking company negligence is a primary cause of truck accidents. Examples of negligence may include:

  • Negligent hiring and retention. Truck companies must maintain driver qualification files (also called DQ files) for their drivers. DQ files contain detailed information on drivers. These files may contain moving violations, medical certifications, annual review records and drug test results. However, companies may neglect to maintain these files or they may knowingly allow unqualified employees to continue driving. Companies also hire unqualified drivers.
  • Hours of service violations. Hours of service rules place limits on how long commercial truckers can drive their vehicles. The purpose of these rules is to prevent drowsy driving accidents. Truck companies must ensure that their drivers are compliant with hours of service rules. However, some companies may encourage their drivers to violate these regulations. In other cases, they may turn a blind eye to hours of service violations.
  • Poor maintenance practices. Semi-trucks are subject to wear and tear on a regular basis. Truck companies must inspect and perform necessary maintenance on these vehicles so they are safe to drive.
  • Negligent training. Truck companies must train new hires. New employees should understand how to record hours of service compliance. They must know how to drive a vehicle carrying heavy loads and how to properly signal nearby drivers. Commercial truckers should know how to load and strap down cargo.
  • Improper loading: Cargo on semi-trucks must be loaded properly and tied down or it can shift while the vehicle is moving. This could cause the driver to lose control and may lead to a rollover accident. Truck companies may also try to overload vehicles to boost profits. An overloaded truck needs more time to stop and will hit other objects with a greater impact force. In addition, an overloaded truck can suffer damage that makes it unsafe to drive.

Injured in an 18-Wheeler Accident? Let Our East Texas Truck Accident Lawyers Help

Our truck accident attorneys have seen every trick in the book. Some companies skirt federal rules to make more money. Unfortunately, it is our friends, family members and neighbors who could end up paying the price for these selfish actions. Negligent trucking companies can also be held responsible for damages caused to other motorists.If you or loved ones were harmed in a truck accident, then it is important to act quickly by hiring an attorney. Companies may try to eliminate evidence of their negligence, such as by tampering with a vehicles electronic control module. This device may record speed, driving time and other information on a semi-truck.If you believe a trucking company is responsible for your injuries or loss, then please call Mike Love & Associates, LLC to discuss possible legal options.


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