Mike Love & Associates Sponsor Alzheimer's Walk to Remember
More than 5 million Americans are affected by Alzheimer's Disease and there are more than 16 million caregivers helping them every day. Several of the staff members of our firm have relatives fighting this horrible disease and wanted to form a team.Mike Love and Associates was the presenting sponsor for a movie night in downtown Lufkin, by renting the historic Pines Theatre and showing the movie Steel Magnolia's. The evening including a selfie booth and opportunities to donate included a raffle, and a wine pull. The event was well attended and raised $1,100.
Our law firm put together a team of employees, family, and friends that walked the day of the event with 17 members. This year the local walk had over 80 teams with 585 participants and the event raised a total of $55,000. This is the first year the law firm has had a team but next year we look forward to more walkers and increasing our fundraising goal.