Are Red Light Cameras Good or Bad?

Are red light cameras a good thing?Red light cameras are infamous for attracting controversy wherever they are used. These cameras are placed at intersections to take photographs of drivers running red lights. Once drivers are identified by cameras, they receive tickets. In Lufkin, you can receive a fine of $75 if these cameras catch you running a red light. The fine can increase to $150 if you do not pay the fine in time. Proponents of the cameras claim they prevent car accidents at intersections.If you hate red light cameras, we have some good news. A Texas lawmaker recently introduced legislation that would remove these cameras across the state. According to the lawmaker who filed the bill, only 20 percent of Texans support using red light cameras.These cameras are not only hated by most, they might be ineffective and unsafe. There are several arguments against their use.

Do These Cameras Make Us Safer?

Red light cameras create a dilemma for motorists who are approaching an intersection at a yellow light. Motorists may feel compelled to suddenly slam on the brakes or speed through intersections to avoid being ticketed.The Chicago Tribune commissioned a study to analyze whether these cameras made the public less or more safe. According to the results, some intersections experienced a 22 percent increase in rear-end crashes after the cameras were installed. Injuries caused by these accidents rose by 5 percent. Other studies have come to similar conclusions. A Washington Post analysis of crash statistics in Washington D.C. found the cameras did nothing to prevent injuries from collisions.

Are These Cameras Worth the Cost?

Public policy initiatives are supposed to utilize a cost-benefit analysis. Are the costs of a policy initiative worth the benefits for the public? In 2002, the U.S. Department of Transportation found costs for automated red light camera systems range from $67,000 to $80,000 per intersection. If it is true these cameras do not prevent accidents (the supposed purpose of the policy) this means the costs are not worth the benefits – at least to the public.Opponents of these cameras argue there are better ways to prevent accidents at intersections. These include making traffic lights more visible, increasing the yellow light times and improving signage visibility. Intersections can also add an all-red clearance interval.This would turn lights in all directions red for a brief amount of time after a yellow light phase. Motorists who misjudged the yellow light’s duration who may be stuck in the intersection would not be hit by other vehicles.

Are There Any Benefits to These Cameras?

A study released by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety claims fatal accidents increased by 30 percent on average when cities removed red light cameras. The IIHS study analyzed camera programs in 79 cities, and concluded they saved nearly 1,300 lives. Statistics on this issue can go both ways.Red light cameras are deeply unpopular with the public. People see these cameras as a means to create revenue. In Chicago, these cameras generated more than $500 million in revenue between 2002 and 2014 – just one city. An analysis on citations generated by the cameras found 13,000 drivers in the Chicago area were a cited erroneously. No wonder people hate these things.For future updates on transportation and consumer safety, continue following our blog. The Texas car accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC encourage you to drive safely.

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Truck Accident Causes Part 2: Why Do Jackknifing Accidents Happen?

Can negligence cause jackknifing accidents?Jackknifing accidents occur when truck trailers bend in a way resembling a pocketknife. This is due to the trailer of a truck skidding and pushing itself into the vehicle. These types of truck crashes cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles. They can rollover and hit other vehicles. Motorists may be forced underneath tractor trailers in what is known as an underride accident. The various outcomes caused by jackknifing crashes are always tragic.What do these crashes look like? A recent accident near San Antonio involved a truck that lost control after jackknifing. According to the San Antonio Fire Department, the semi-truck collided into several other vehicles and crossed the median. Six people were injured, one of whom was airlifted to a nearby hospital.Jackknifing can happen for several reasons. However, there are many cases where these crashes are preventable.

  • Bad weather: Slick road conditions caused by rain and icing significantly raise the risk of a jackknifing accident. The back tires on a semi-truck may lose traction with the road, causing the trailer to swing to the side.
  • Neglecting maintenance: A common theme on our blog is that many truck crashes are caused by poor maintenance practices. The same is true of jackknifing crashes. Commercial carriers should replace worn truck tires and brakes. It is also important to maintain and replace suspension components and other mechanical parts responsible for steering.
  • Unsecured or badly distributed loads: Cargo loaded into trailers can shift if it is not properly secured or poorly distributed. Shifting cargo may move the truck’s center of gravity, which can lead to jackknifing or a rollover accident.
  • Careless driving: Semi-trucks are more difficult to handle than normal passenger vehicles. There is less room for error. Truckers should avoid speeding, especially while turning. Suddenly hitting the brakes may cause jackknifing. This is almost always the case when truckers hit the brakes and swerve at the same time. Truckers should remain attentive to traffic conditions to avoid this scenario.

How Can You Avoid Jackknifing Accidents?

We cannot stress enough how important it is to steer clear of semi-trucks when you are able. Be extra cautious around semi-trucks during poor weather or while slippery road conditions are present. Semi-trucks are more likely to jackknife while making downhill turns.Unfortunately, there is no way for you to know which trucking companies regularly perform maintenance or which ones hire safe drivers. Motorists injured in jackknifing crashes or their family members may have grounds to file lawsuits. An experienced truck accident attorney can help preserve evidence that may be crucial to your case, and can deal with insurance companies on your behalf.The Texas truck accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC will provide the personalized attention your case deserves.

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Has Distracted Driving Caused an Increase in Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents?

How can motorists prevent colliding with pedestrians or cyclists?Pedestrian and bicycle accidents involving vehicles are a regular occurrence here in Texas and throughout the nation. Statistics collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show 4,884 pedestrians died in incidents involving vehicles during 2014. Another 65,000 suffered injuries.Even when pedestrians and cyclists take precautionary measures, such as utilizing reflective tape, limiting headphone usage, obeying traffic signals, paying attention to vehicles or avoiding distractions, they can still be hit. This is not their fault. Motorists are often distracted by text messaging, changing the radio, or perhaps they are driving recklessly or negligently in other ways. In addition, motorists may not practice extra caution in areas with heavy foot or cycling traffic.There are steps motorists can take to reduce their chances of hitting cyclists and pedestrians.

7 Ways Motorists Can Avoid Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents

  1. Be cautious in areas with pedestrians: Excessive speed is a major cause of pedestrian and bicycle accidents involving vehicles. Never speed in residential areas or crowded intersections where there is a greater density of cyclists and pedestrians.
  2. Make eye contact: Make eye contact with pedestrians who are waiting to cross the street. This way, you know their intention.
  3. Keep an eye out for pedestrians and cyclists: Many pedestrian accidents involve vehicles making turns. Such accidents happen because motorists were inattentive or not looking out for nearby pedestrians and cyclists. Be especially attentive for cyclists and pedestrians at dark. Finally, always remain cautious of jaywalkers.
  4. Be mindful of where you are driving: Residential areas and schools are more likely to have heavy foot traffic or cyclists. Very young children may not understand the dangers of playing in the road. They also may be unable to judge the location of approaching vehicles.
  5. Avoid aggressive driving: Impatience and road rage lead to unsafe driving. Aggressive driving will complicate your ability to see pedestrians and cyclists.
  6. Remain attentive: Distracted driving crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists are preventable. Never text and drive. In addition, avoid fidgeting with the radio, shaving, applying makeup or eating while behind the wheel. If you are not paying attention to the road, you are much more likely to hit pedestrians and cyclists.
  7. Always yield to pedestrians: Always give pedestrians the right-of-way at crosswalks and elsewhere, even jaywalkers.

Should Injured Cyclists and Pedestrians Contact an Attorney?

Our law firm has experience helping cyclists and pedestrians hit by inattentive and negligent drivers. Pedestrians and cyclists injured by these motorists may suffer catastrophic injuries that require lengthy hospital stays and extensive rehabilitation. Medical bills and lost income can accumulate into the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.An attorney can file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible motorist or other parties on your behalf. Damages recovered from a personal injury lawsuit can help pay for medical bills, lost income and other expenses. Our attorneys can use mobile phone records, internet browsing history, witness statements, camera footage and accident reconstruction specialists to help your case succeed.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can help people harmed by negligent motorists.

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Are Truckers Responsible for Causing Accidents During Bad Weather?

Truck drivers must be extra cautious in bad weatherTexas is no stranger to extreme weather conditions. We have thunderstorms, tornadoes, snow (sometimes) and the occasional hurricane. Depending on the time of year, driving in Texas can be a scary experience. Bad weather also makes truck accidents more likely. The difference between car accidents and truck accidents caused by bad weather, is that the latter should never happen in the first place. Regulations exist to prevent bad weather truck accidents.

Are There Rules to Prevent Bad Weather Truck Accidents?

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Rule CFR §392.14 requires commercial truckers to use extreme caution during hazardous conditions. These conditions are not exclusive to weather. The rule mentions snow, ice, sleet, fog, mist, rain, dust, smoke or other conditions that “adversely affect visibility and traction.” Truckers must reduce their speed when these conditions exist. If conditions make driving a truck sufficiently dangerous, truckers must pull over until it is safe to drive again. Truck accident lawyers call this the “extreme caution rule.”The Texas Commercial Motor Vehicle Handbook also has suggestions and requirements for truckers driving in bad weather. For example, truckers are expected to:

  • Check lights and reflectors from “time to time” during bad weather.
  • Check brakes, tire pressure, fluid levels and wipers to ensure they can work during extreme weather conditions.
  • Look for signs of road icing.
  • Remove ice from windshields or mirrors.
  • Adjust driving speed, turning and braking to weather conditions.

These are just a few examples of suggestions and regulations found in the Texas Commercial Motor Vehicle Handbook. There are additional requirements depending on the type of weather. For example, truckers are expected to check tire pressure every 100 miles or two hours in hot weather to prevent blowouts.Attorneys can pull from multiple sources and regulations to show when commercial drivers are liable for bad weather truck accidents.

When Might Weather Affect Liability for a Truck Accident?

Let’s say for example, a truck driver causes an accident during a severe winter rainstorm. This driver spun out of control and jumped the median, colliding with multiple passenger vehicles. An investigation into the accident reveals the driver did not slow down to accommodate for dangerous weather conditions. Instead, the driver was travelling at the normal posted speed limit. In addition, it was discovered the truck’s tire pressure and tread could not safely maintain traction with the road.A truck accident attorney could argue this driver did not follow the extreme caution rule and did not properly maintain the vehicle. Motorists and passengers injured by this driver may have legal options to pursue damages.

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Can Driver Records Help After a Commercial Vehicle Crash?

Records are important after a commercial vehicle accidentDriver records and complaints are useful for establishing fault after a commercial vehicle crash. The recent school bus crash in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is a great example of how prior complaints and records are helpful. Six children lost their lives in this crash and dozens more suffered injuries. Police reports and witnesses suggest the driver was speeding. These reports may be correct.Parents and school officials had complained about the driver before the accident. The school’s principal complained two separate times about school bus driver several weeks before the crash. These complaints mention speeding, dangerous driving and other unprofessional behavior.Parents, students and teachers sent emails and letters to the school discussing these concerns. One student’s letter in the weeks prior to the crash claimed the bus traveled so fast, that it felt as if it would flip over. It is possible these complaints, letters and emails may become evidence in civil lawsuits against the company that employed the bus driver, and the driver himself.There are other types of formal records that may be used in commercial truck and bus accidents. Among the most important is the driver qualification file (DQF). A DQF may show the following:

  • Drug and alcohol testing information.
  • Driving records, including a history of accidents
  • Regulation violations, such as failing to perform maintenance checks or abide by hours of service rules.
  • A DQF will show medical certifications for drivers. Some medical conditions disqualify drivers from possessing a CDL (commercial driver’s license).
  • Records may show the employment history of drivers. For example, whether drivers were fired from other companies.
  • A DQF may show the performance reviews of drivers.
  • DQFs can show training certificates. This is especially important evidence for accidents involving drivers carrying certain types of loads, such as hazardous materials.

Can Business Records Help After a Commercial Vehicle Crash?

We have only mentioned a few possible examples of what might appear in a DQF. Commercial carriers have other types of records, not only on drivers, but business practices. Records may have information on inspections, repairs and hiring practices. There may also be records that suggest commercial carriers rushed their drivers to meet certain deadlines, putting other motorists at risk in the process. These business records are also useful evidence following a truck or bus accident case.Commercial carriers or drivers may try to spoil or destroy this evidence after a crash. A major reason it is important for accident survivors or family members to contact an attorney right away is to prevent the spoliation of evidence.The major takeaway from this blog is that commercial carriers and drivers responsible for accidents are more likely to have poor safety records. There is almost always a paper trail showing regulation violations or other unsafe behavior.The Texas truck accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC are dedicated to helping the victims and family members of truck crashes.

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