Truck Accidents Truck Accidents

What Are Common Catastrophic Injuries Caused by Truck Accidents?

What types of injuries are caused by truck accidents?Statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show 104,000 people were injured by truck accidents on American highways in 2012. Some of these people suffered permanent injuries that significantly decreased their quality of life. That is because semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles weigh many times that of a normal passenger car. In fact, federal regulations allow these trucks to weigh up to 80,000 pounds! When these large and heavy vehicles crash, the impact force is more likely to result in the following catastrophic injuries:

  1. Brain Injuries

Truck accident survivors may suffer brain injuries caused by blunt force trauma or whiplash. During a crash, a motorist may be harmed by blunt force trauma caused by the head colliding with a window or steering wheel.Depending on the severity and location of the injury, people with brain injuries can experience varying symptoms. Survivors may have problems speaking or understanding language (aphasia), issues with balance, poor impulse control or cognitive deficits.Brain injuries may require accident survivors to undergo a lengthy period of rehabilitation. Many people with severe brain injuries do not leave the hospital for many months.

  1. Spinal Cord Injuries

Accident survivors can also suffer spinal cord injuries. Depending on the severity of the injury, accident survivors may be partially or completely paralyzed. Spinal cord injuries can cause monoplegia (paralysis of one limb), paraplegia (paralysis of lower limbs), diplegia (paralysis of corresponding limbs), quadriplegia/tetraplegia (paralysis of all four limbs).Spinal cord injuries almost always result in disability. Accident survivors with these injuries may be unable to return to their occupations and can experience a significantly decreased quality of life.Those with tetraplegia may require round-the-clock care and extensive medical services. Home modifications and other specialized equipment may be necessary.

  1. Disfigurement or Amputation

Injuries caused by truck accidents may result in amputation or disfigurement. Limbs can become caught in the twisted wreckage after an accident, cutting off blood flow. In other cases, the impact force from the collision may cut or crush limbs. Cuts caused by broken glass can become infected.Facial disfigurement is also possible. Blunt force trauma may cut away facial tissue or cause broken bones.

Protect Yourself from These Injuries While Driving During the Holiday Season

Motorists can improve their chances of avoiding truck accidents and catastrophic injuries by taking preventative measures. This is especially important during this time of the year, when there are more drivers on the road.NHTSA statistics show truck accidents spike before and after the Christmas holiday. According to NHTSA statistics collected between 2001 and 2005, there were an average of 45 truck accidents deaths each day during this period. There is also an increase in injuries caused by these accidents. This is because commercial drivers are making more deliveries to meet increased consumer demand. They may be pressured to ignore hours-of-service rules, putting them at risk for drowsy driving. Winter weather conditions also make driving more dangerous for commercial and non-commercial drivers.Be sure to give trucks plenty of room to operate. Never tailgate trucks. Pass these larges vehicles as quickly as possible and never drive in their blind spots (in front of the truck, behind the truck and next to the truck cab).

Should You Contact a Truck Accident Attorney?

If injured in a truck accident, it is important to explore legal options. Catastrophic injuries result in expensive medical and rehabilitation bills. These injuries also leave people unable to return to work, resulting in lost income. It is imperative that survivors consult with a truck accident attorney to explore legal options for pursuing damages.Damages obtained from a judgment or settlement can help pay for medical costs, home modifications, equipment and lost income.

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Travel Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

Practice safe driving during the holiday seasonNovember and December are some of the busiest months on highways and interstates throughout the country. The vast majority of people are travelling to visit with family and friends during the holidays. Due to more cars being on the road and adverse weather conditions, there are more opportunities for car accidents to occur. Safety should be a major concern for all motorists this time of year. The following travel safety tips may reduce your chances of being involved in an auto accident during the holidays.

Get Enough Sleep: Drunk and Drowsy Driving Are Similar

Lack of sleep is one of the greatest dangers for motorists taking long road trips. Drowsiness can significantly raise your chances of being involved in an accident.The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety released a report earlier this month linking drunk and drowsy driving. According to the study, motorists driving on four to five hours of sleep show impairment similar to a blood alcohol content of .08, the legal limit. AAA also claims that missing one or two hours of sleep per night can quadruple the risk of being involved in an accident. People with less than four hours of sleep are 12 times more likely to crash.The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting seven to nine hours of sleep before setting out on a trip, and avoiding sleep medications or alcohol the night before departing. If you notice symptoms of drowsiness, such as heavy eyelids, yawning or difficulty focusing, pull over and rest or let someone else drive.

Make Sure Your Vehicle is Safe to Drive

Your vehicle cannot protect you if certain parts are not in working condition. Before setting out on a trip, it is wise to receive a tune-up. A qualified mechanic can check your brakes and pads, head and tail lights, car battery, tires and fluids.If you have young children, the week before a road trip is a good time to check the effectiveness of booster seats. An estimated eight in ten parents do not know if their booster seats are installed correctly. Some police and fire departments can perform checks. Local Texas Department of Transportation offices may also help parents with car seat issues.

Always Remember to Drive Safely During Your Trip

Long-distance driving requires extra attentiveness to road etiquette and safety. Use extra caution while traveling through work zones. Pay careful attention to speed limits during your travels. Always avoid distractions, such as mobile phones, eating or applying makeup.There are also driving etiquette rules that can improve your safety. Never tailgate other drivers, and do not drive in the left-hand passing lane.National Safety Council statistics show more than 700 people die in car accidents every year between Christmas and New Year’s. The best way to avoid an accident is to take preventative action and plan ahead.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC, wish everyone a happy holiday season. Please stay safe!

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