Can Phone Manufacturers Help Solve America’s Distracted Driving Epidemic?

Distracted driving leads to thousands of crashes every yearPublic safety officials and lawmakers are desperate for solutions to prevent distracted driving crashes. Lawmakers in states across the country have considered harsher punishments to deter distracted driving, such as fines or license suspension. However, options such as harsher punishments may be more effective if combined with other solutions. Just because motorists may be fined does not mean they will not use their phones behind the wheel. All states have laws addressing distracted driving to some extent. Crashes caused by motorists texting or browsing behind the wheel continue to happen in these states. Solutions created by technological innovation may also play a big role in solving this public safety crisis.A recent article published by Wired makes a good point: solutions for preventing distracted driving should have a firm understanding of how people use mobile technology. It is ironic that technology is the cause behind distracted driving crashes, but also a possible solution. Automakers and smartphone manufacturers could develop solutions that prevent distracted driving.

How Can Phone Manufacturers Prevent Distracted Driving Crashes?

Phones could utilize “driving mode” to help prevent distracted riving crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has expressed support for this idea. If implemented correctly, this idea would prevent many features on phones from working while people are driving. Apps, text messaging, and even nonemergency phone calls could be blocked.In some ways, the feature would be similar to airplane mode. Just in case you do not know what airplane mode is, it is a feature on mobile devices that restricts radio communications while on commercial aircraft.There are some challenges to this solution. Smartphones would have to identify drivers and not passengers. This can only be possible if smartphones work with vehicle infotainment systems. Many cars on the road still do not have these features, so driving mode may have limited success. Smartphone manufacturers would also have to agree to implement these changes. Although NHTSA has issued voluntary guidelines on driving mode to smartphone manufacturers, it has no regulation authority over the handheld consumer electronics industry. There is also the possibility the self-driving car market will explode faster than expected, beating this possible solution to the punch. While this idea is not perfect, that does not mean it should be discarded.App manufacturers can also pitch in to help with America’s distracted driving problems. Some app creators and wireless carriers have already developed software that prevents or discourages phone use while driving. AT&T’s DriveMode app for iPhones prevents phone calls and text messages from reaching drivers. Sprint’s Drive First and T-Mobile’s DriveSmart apps have similar features. Apps developed by third parties such as SafeDrive or Cellcontrol also claim they can prevent distracted driving by blocking certain smartphone features.There are downsides to using apps as a solution. Unless required by parents or an employer, people may choose not to use the apps. They are voluntary.Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions to this public safety problem. It will likely take a combination of forces and laws to come together and solve this issue.One of the worst aspects of distracted driving crashes, is that they are preventable. These tragedies do not have to happen in the first place. Individuals hit by distracted drivers and their family members deserve the chance to seek justice. They deserve to know they will be taken care of after being harmed by these tragedies. Our attorneys can help in this regard. The Texas car accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC will fight insurance companies on your behalf and hold distracted drivers accountable.

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What Can Happen to People Who Survive Distracted Driving Accidents?

What types of accidents are caused by distracted drivers?National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics show in 2014, 3,179 people were killed in accidents involving distracted drivers. However, another 431,000 were injured that same year. It is important to remember that people who survive these accidents suffer catastrophic and life-altering injuries. The story of Liz Marks is a great example of how people who suffer injuries from distracted driving accidents can have their lives put on hold.In April of 2012, Liz Marks’ life changed forever when her vehicle slammed into a flatbed truck that was in the process of making a left turn. Moments before crashing, the 17-year-old had answered a text message from her mother. Liz was airlifted to a hospital in critical condition. In the three months that followed, she relearned how to walk, talk, read and write. Doctors performed multiple reconstructive surgeries to repair damage to her skull. Liz lost the ability to fall asleep without medication, she is blind her right eye, and no longer has a sense of smell. She developed a new personality and lost all of her friends. College was no longer an option.Since her accident and rehabilitation, Liz has appeared in national headlines, on talk shows and in warning videos released by NHTSA. She has dedicated her life to spreading public awareness on the dangers of distracted driving.Many other survivor stories involve people hit by distracted drivers. In 2008, Jacy Good was driving home with her parents after graduating college. Jacy had landed a dream job with Habitat for Humanity, and was in the process of planning a wedding with her long-time boyfriend. On her way home, a teenager who was texting behind the wheel turned left through a red light, causing a semi-truck to swerve and hit her vehicle. Jacy’s parents died from the impact, but she survived with a severe traumatic brain injury. Even after months of therapy, she admits life will never be the same. Jacy is paralyzed from her brain injury, and cognitive tasks are significantly more difficult. She did marry her boyfriend and became a safe driving advocate.

Do People Who Suffered Injuries from Distracted Driving Accidents Have Legal Options?

It is important to understand people injured in these accidents can suffer severe brain injuries, paralysis from spinal cord injuries, and disfigurement from broken bones or burns. These injuries can make returning to an occupation, or starting a career, close to impossible. For younger people involved in these accidents, distracted driving may rob them of their futures.It is crucial for these individuals and their families to seek legal help. An attorney is much better suited to handle your needs going forward, including dealing with insurance companies and holding the responsible driver accountable.The Texas car accident attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC are dedicated to helping people who have been injured by negligent drivers.

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Are You at Risk for Drowsy Driving?

Drowsy driving can significantly increase the risk of an accidentThe AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently conducted a study that discovered drowsy drivers cause one in six fatal car accidents. Another study conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association claims drowsy driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving. The study claims that driving after you have been awake for 21 hours is comparable to driving with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent, which is considered legally drunk. This number climbs to .10 percent after 24 hours of no sleep. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has even classified drowsy drivers as “impaired drivers”.It should be obvious that driving without sleep is a major risk factor for drowsy driving. There are other risk factors that people may overlook.

What are Other Risk Factors for Drowsy Driving Accidents?

If you are planning a road trip in the near future, you should be aware of these risk factors.Sleep apnea: People who suffer from untreated sleep apnea are 2.5 times more likely to cause car accidents. Sleep apnea causes interruptions in breathing during sleep, meaning sufferers can wake up several times every night. If left untreated, sleep apnea causes excessive daytime drowsiness and difficulty concentrating. Fortunately, people can be screened and treated for sleep apnea.Alcohol before bed: Drinking the night before a long road trip can cause excessive drowsiness the next day. This is because alcohol interrupts REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. The more people drink, the poorer quality of sleep they receive. Unsurprisingly, alcohol consumption before bed is linked to daytime drowsiness.Sleeping aids: The effects of sleeping aids like diphenhydramine, which is found in Benadryl and Tylenol PM, can linger into the next day. According to a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, people who use sleep aids have a twofold risk of being involved in car accidentsShift-work sleep disorder: Shift-work sleep disorder is most likely to affect people who work nights or rotating shifts. The condition causes problems with the body’s internal clock and is linked to a lack of sleep.Medications: Some medications have warning labels that specify users should not operate heavy machinery. Medications that treat depression, anxiety, insomnia, nausea and high blood pressure could fall into this category.

How Can You Avoid Drowsy Driving?

If you become drowsy while driving, pull over and get some sleep at a rest area or motel. You should never drive at times when you would normally be sleeping. The risk factors we listed above should also be avoided or treated before driving long distances.If you are traveling with several people, you should take turns driving and resting. Caffeine can help provide increased alertness for several hours.The Texas personal injury attorneys at Mike Love & Associates, LLC encourage you to drive safely.

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