Five Auto Insurance Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Come armed with knowledge, and you will get the best deal on auto insurance for you and your vehicle. However, go into it with only the slightest grasp of what you should be looking for, and it could cost you. Therefore, you need to know what to look out for.

How to Avoid Making Five Common Auto Insurance Mistakes

Some of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to auto insurance include:

  • Not understanding the coverage you need or have already purchased.

As the owner of a vehicle, you should know what coverage you are looking for and what you could have. You should feel free to shop around for auto insurance. Just be cautious. Insurance companies do not have your best interests in mind. Remember, these companies are first and foremost concerned with making money.

  • Mistakenly believing that you are covered for everything.

Not all auto insurance policies are the same. Despite what you might be paying in deductibles and premiums, different policies will cover different things. Make sure you know what is in your policy. For instance, do you have Personal Injury Protection (PIP)? Although it is required in Texas, you can be tricked into signing out of this common protection policy. The same is true of coverage for underinsured or uninsured motorists (UM/UIM coverage).

  • Taking the minimum coverage that your state asks for.

The minimum coverage will not cover all the potential hazards out there on the roadways. A decent policy can help provide adequate coverage for medical bills, funeral costs and other expenses associated with a motor vehicle accident. For this reason, it is imperative that you avoid taking a policy with minimum coverage.

  • Choosing Med Pay instead of PIP.

You should ensure that you have PIP coverage on your policy. PIP coverage can help pay for many expenses that occur after a motor vehicle accident involving injuries. On the other hand, Med Pay covers hospital bills, but not lost income. Med Pay is also subject to subrogation. This means that you will have to pay back Med Pay benefits if you obtain a settlement. PIP coverage is not subject to subrogation in Texas.

  • Focusing only on price.

Do not just go for the lowest deductible. Find the policy that best suits you, even if you have to pay a little more. It will be worth it in the end if something happens.Contact Mike Love & Associates, LLC TodayThe Texas auto accident lawyers at Mike Love & Associates, LLC are dedicated to the community. If you have questions about your insurance policy, we may be able to help you find answers. You may also contact us for a free consultation if you or a loved one were harmed in a car accident.

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What Are Common Causes of Distracted Driving Accidents in Texas?

“Supernatural” TV star and Austin native Jensen Ackles recently spoke about the dangers of distracted driving in a PSA for the Texas Department of Transportation, or TxDOT. The ad is part of a new “Heads up, Texas” campaign that TxDOT launched in response to recent distracted driving accidents in Texas involving mobile phone use. Ackles raised awareness about the dangers of texting while driving, and how your phone can cause serious accidents. It’s also now against Texas state law.

Why Distracted Driving Is Dangerous

A texting-while-driving ban passed the Texas Senate last year. House Bill 62 was passed as a statewide ban on reading and sending electronic messages from a cell phone while operating a vehicle. This ban is in response to alarming statistics relating to distracted driving in Texas.Roughly 100,000 of reported car accidents in Texas last year, or 19 percent, involved some sort of distracted driving. These distracted driving accidents resulted in 452 deaths statewide.Keep in mind that certain cities in Texas have different levels of restrictions on phone use while driving. For example, Austin has a stricter ordinance that completely prohibits cell phone use while driving in city limits.If you have been involved in a car accident due to someone else’s distracted driving, you could potentially seek compensation for your injuries. Contact Mike Love & Associates, LLC to speak with a car accident attorney about your situation.

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Do Texas Drivers Rank Among the Worst for Aggressive Driving?

A new study claims that Texas drivers are among the angriest in the country. According to GasBuddy, which conducted a national survey on aggressive driving, Texas motorists are the 4th most aggressive in the country.GasBuddy, a company that operates apps for finding fuel prices, conducted its research by compiling data from its Trips feature. The feature provides motorists with assessments of their driving habits. Trips allows users to assess their aggressive driving habits, such as hard braking, speeding and rapid acceleration. Hard braking was the most common aggressive driving habit reported by Trips users.The survey’s findings indicate that aggressive driving occurs most often in densely populated cities with lots of congestion. While this means you are more likely to encounter aggressive drivers in nearby Houston, it does not mean Angelina County is immune to road rage. There are steps that you can take to reduce your chances of being in an accident or other confrontation with an aggressive driver.

Warning Signs You Are Dealing with an Angry Driver

Angry drivers can put you and others at an increased risk of suffering harm in a car accident. You should never escalate the situation if you are confronted by an angry driver. In some cases, it may be necessary to drive to a safe (populated) area to contact the police. Some road rage incidents involve violence or firearms.Be aware of warning signs of aggressive driving that include but are not limited to:

  • Speeding. Drivers who are angry are more likely to speed. Unfortunately, speeding is a major cause of car accidents in the US each year.
  • Tailgating. If another driver is upset with you, then they may drive very close to the rear of your vehicle. Tailgating could lead to a rear-end accident.
  • Unsafe lane changes. Angry drivers may conduct quick and aggressive lane changes. Some drivers may shift to the shoulder lane to pass other motorists.
  • Failing to follow traffic signals or signs. Aggressive drivers who are short on patience may run red lights or stop signs.

Of course, there are other warnings signs of angry driving that most of you are familiar with. Angry drivers may use honking or hand gestures.The Texas car accident lawyers at Mike Love & Associates, LLC encourage safe driving. For future updates on our blog, continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have questions about your rights after a car accident, call us at (936) 632-2000 or use our online contact form.

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Personal Injury Personal Injury

Beware of Dog: Not All Dogs are Man’s Best Friend

Attacked by a dog? Call our attorneys todayIn 2014, KFC was accused of asking the family of a disfigured 3-year-old girl to leave the restaurant. Three months prior to this incident, the girl had been attacked by three Pit Bulls while visiting her grandfather. Although the girl survived the attack, she lost sight in one eye and can no longer move the right side of her face. Her parents described how she could no longer look at herself in the mirror and did not want to be seen in public. This story is an example of how dog attacks can leave victims physically and emotionally scarred.Dog attacks are common in the US. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, 800,000 people in the US receive medical attention for dog bites each year. Statistics published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that during 2015, more than 28,000 people in the US required reconstructive surgery after being attacked by dogs. Children are more likely to suffer severe injuries, such as disfigurement, after an attack.Even minor dog bites can cause severe health complications. Centers of Disease Control (CDC) statistics published in 2015 show that there is an average of 4.5 million dog bites in the US each year. Roughly one in five of these bites become infected. Although many of these bites result in minor infections, some bites transmit MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). MRSA infections are more difficult to treat because this type of bacteria is resistant to antibiotics.Attacks can also be fatal. Some organizations, such as, keep a running tally of the yearly deaths caused by dog attacks.

Are Owners Responsible for Dog Bites?

Dog owners may be liable for injuries or deaths caused by their pets. It would depend on the circumstances.In Texas, a dog owner may be liable for an attack if he or she knew the dog was dangerous and it attacks someone. For example, the owner may have been aware that the dog had a history of aggressive tendencies. The owner may also be liable if they do not properly restrain the dog and it attacks someone. In these cases, it may be possible for victims or their family members to file lawsuits for damages.The type of breed is an important factor for determining damages during a dog bite lawsuit. Although there are certainly many Pit Bull fans in the US, these dogs are more physically capable of causing significant harm to a person than smaller dogs, such as a Pomeranian.If you or a loved one were attacked, then an attorney could help determine whether the owner is liable. There are nuances to dog bite statutes in Texas, so it is important to discuss your situation with an experienced personal injury attorney. Damages from a dog bite lawsuit could help pay for medical bills, reconstructive surgery or funeral expenses. Pain and suffering damages, also called noneconomic damages, may be included in cases that involve disfigurement or psychological trauma.If you or a loved one were attacked by a dog, the Texas personal injury lawyers at Mike Love & Associates, LLC can investigate your eligibility for filing a lawsuit.

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