photo of chiropractor adjusting a patient for Mike Love & Associates Houston spinal cord injury lawyer

Houston Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

It is essential to hire a lawyer you trust after suffering a severe spinal cord injury (SCI) in Houston, Texas. The lawyer you choose to represent you can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case and the compensation award you win, if any. If a negligent or at-fault party caused your spinal cord injury and the many losses that came with it, contact us for a free legal consultation today. At Mike Love & Associates, LLC, we work around the clock to secure positive client results.

Why choose us?

  • We have years of experience in this practice area.

  • We have a long history of success with SCI claims.

  • We care about the client and will always put you first.

  • We can handle every aspect of your claim on your behalf.

  • We charge no fees until we win your spine injury case.

Why hire a Houston spinal cord injury lawyer?

Spinal cord injuries are some of the most severe and life-changing injuries possible in accidents in Houston. Damage to the spine in any capacity could cause losses in mobility, paralysis, chronic pain, incontinence, and other significant damages. Failure to hire an attorney to help you settle a lawsuit could lead to accepting far less than your severe injuries demand in compensation. An insurance company will try to undervalue your SCI and convince you to settle for less. When you hire a lawyer, you can combat these insurance company tactics and fight for the best financial award for your losses.

What causes spinal cord injuries?

With over two decades of experience representing the seriously injured in Texas, our attorneys have taken cases involving many accidents and injuries. We keep up with the laws surrounding each accident type and how to navigate them on behalf of our clients. We understand which accidents most often lead to SCIs based on real-world experience.

After a back, neck, or spinal cord injury in any accident in Houston, contact our firm to learn whether you could have grounds to file a claim against one or more at-fault parties. Someone could owe you significant financial compensation for your physical, emotional, and economic losses after a life-changing SCI.

Living with a spinal cord injury.

At Mike Love & Associates, LLC, we have helped enough clients with spinal cord injuries to understand their daily struggles. A disabling spinal cord injury often means lifelong medical care, health care expenses, surgeries, rehabilitation, mobility assistive devices, medications, and significant changes to daily life. Living with a spinal cord injury can mean suffering many potentially compensable damages as a survivor.

  • Medical costs

  • Physical pain and suffering

  • Mental anguish

  • Loss of quality or enjoyment of life

  • Lost wages

  • Lost income-earning ability

  • Loss of consortium

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, the average cost of a serious spinal cord injury over a patient’s lifetime can exceed $1 million for even the most minor diagnoses. At our firm, we are passionate about bringing at-fault parties to justice for many reasons, including to prevent spinal cord injuries in the future. One of our main goals, however, is to fight for fair compensation for the many expenses that come with SCIs.

Contact our spinal cord injury lawyers today.

At Mike Love & Associates, LLC, we want to help people living with spinal cord injuries in Houston, Texas. Our Houston personal injury lawyers may be able to help you obtain a fair and just compensation award. While we know the money will not take back what happened to you, it could lend some peace of mind and financial stability to you and your family. We offer guidance and counsel for families during this difficult time. Speak to a lawyer today about a potential case. Call 713-752-0100.

Request your free consultation today.

Your consultation will always be with an experienced trial attorney. Never pay any attorney fees until we win.